Investigating a Fake KDDI Smishing Campaign that abuses Duck DNS

Recently in Japan, there has been an increase in Smishing attacks that abuse Duck DNS. In this blog post, I will be investigating one of these Duck DNS smishing attacks. The one analyzed here impersonates a mobile payment system.
Table of contents
The SMS message
The message says,
Which translates to,
[Suspension Notice] Please pay the unpaid KDDI fees. http://lhuyykzzlv[.]
Upon access, it leads to a blank page. Inspecting the element will show that it leads to another DuckDNS page.

This page has an IP of 45.12.138[.]87.

According to VirusTotal’s Passive DNS Replication, it has many other Duck DNS domains associated with it.

It then led me to another Duck DNS page. Inspecting the page showed that the next redirect will differ based on the User Agent. For an iPhone user agent, it will redirect to another Duck DNS page. For an Android user agent, it will redirect to 181.html

This page also has an IP of 45.12.138[.]87.

Android User-Agent
Under the “Network Conditions” tab in inspect element, I set the User-Agent to,
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36

For an Android User-Agent, it will first lead to /181.html

The stream for the 181.html
GET request shows that it will redirect to another Duck DNS page.

The final Duck DNS page has an IP of 199.167.138[.]24.

The IP 199.167.138[.]24 also has many Duck DNS domains associated with it.

This final Duck DNS page shows a fake AU page with the following prompt,
Which translates to,
Malware was detected on your device. Please be sure to download and install the “KDDI Security Free Edition App”. Please note that if you do not, the call service may be suspended.

Clicking on 次へ
(next) will lead to a download page. Scrolling through the page will show the install instructions.

Clicking on “Download” will download a file called KDDI.apk

This KDDI.apk
is flagged as malicious by multiple vendors on VirusTotal.

This file contacts multiple URLs, domains and IP addresses.

JoeSandbox detected KDDI.apk
as malicious, and many suspicious behaviours can be seen.

makes various permission requests such as android.permission.SEND_SMS
, android.permission.CALL_PHONE
, android.permission.WRITE_SMS

The full analysis on JoeSandbox can be found here,
iPhone User-Agent
Under the “Network Conditions” tab in inspect element, I set the User-Agent to,
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/ Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

It leads to index.html
, however, “404 Not Found” was displayed.

Inspecting the headers showed the following,

This page has an IP of 86.38.4[.]25, and has many other Duck DNS domains associated with it. A lot of them are flagged as malicious on VirusTotal.

Since I could not access the site’s contents, I went to the Sensors
tab and set the location to Tokyo
, with the Locale set to ja-JP

Reloading the page leads to a fake AU page that asks for the user’s mail address, phone number, and name.

I entered some fake credentials and had to select a payment method. There seemed to be multiple payment options, but everything except 電子マネー
(Electronic money) was crossed out.

Submitting the credentials leads to a page that says the payment must be made using Vプリカ
, which is a prepaid card.

It then prompts the user to enter the Vプリカ
(prepaid card) numbers.

is a Visa prepaid card that can be used online. More details on Vプリカ
can be found below,
Duck DNS behaviour
The redirect link changes very frequently. The first link is lhuyykzzlv.duckdns[.]org in this case, but it redirects to a different Duck DNS link every few mins-hours.

The second link’s redirect will also change every few mins-hours.

The first and second Duck DNS domain has an IP of 45.12.138[.]87, and has many Duck DNS domains associated with them.

As Duck DNS is a free dynamic DNS, it is often abused for malicious purposes like in this case.

In this investigation, it was found that the behaviour of the smishing attack differs based on the User-Agent, and abuses Duck DNS. Multiple redirects are made before it reaches the fake AU page. Accesses from certain locations will prevent the fake AU page from loading.
- Android User-Agent: Redirects the user to a fake AU page, and downloads a malicious file called
- iPhone User-Agent: Redirects the user to a fake AU page, and asks for the user’s details, and Vプリカ (prepaid card) numbers.
The behaviour of this smishing attack is similar to the one analyzed in my other blog, where it abused Duck DNS and changed behavior based on the User-Agent.
So if you receive an SMS message that uses Duck DNS, please be careful!