Snort Setup 101: From Installation to Rule Mastery

Fahri Yeşil
System Weakness
Published in
7 min readNov 22, 2023


In the intricate tapestry of the digital age, where every keystroke and data transfer create a complex symphony of information exchange, the paramount challenge is to safeguard against a myriad of cyber threats constantly evolving to exploit vulnerabilities. In this ever-shifting landscape, intrusion detection and prevention emerge as the unsung heroes, standing between organizations and potential security breaches. At the forefront of this defense arsenal stands Snort, an open-source champion renowned for its efficacy in discerning and mitigating threats. At the heart of Snort’s prowess lies an intricate web of rules — an intelligent set of instructions that empowers the system to navigate the intricacies of network traffic, identifying and responding to potential threats with unparalleled precision.

This blog post will guide you through understanding the sources, types, syntax, and options of Snort rules, unveiling the intricacies that contribute to the system’s adaptability and effectiveness. Explore the significance of different rule types, decode the language of Snort rules, and delve into the extensive options for fine-tuning and customization.

A step-by-step guide for installing Snort on Ubuntu lays the foundation for building a robust cybersecurity defense. Additionally, learn the art of crafting custom Snort rules, empowering both seasoned cybersecurity professionals and beginners to tailor defenses to the unique nuances of their networks. As we navigate these sections, the post promises a blend of theoretical understanding and practical insights, offering a comprehensive guide to unlocking Snort’s full potential and fortifying digital defenses against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Installing Snort on Ubuntu: Building the Cyber Fortress

Securing your digital fortress begins with the installation of Snort. Here’s a step-by-step guide for installing Snort on an Ubuntu system:

Update Package List:

Install Snort:

Configure Snort:

Enable Promiscuous Mode:

Enabling promiscuous mode can be useful for network monitoring or packet capturing, as it allows you to capture and inspect all network traffic on the specified interface.

Editing Snort Configuration File:

Now that we have successfully modified the configuration file, Snort knows which network is our home network.

Snort Modes:

Snort operates in three primary modes, each serving distinct purposes:

Sniffer Mode (-v):

  • This mode allows Snort to analyze network traffic without taking any actions. It serves as a passive observer, capturing and displaying packets for analysis.

Packet Logger Mode (-q):

  • In this mode, Snort logs packets to disk without performing any alerting or blocking actions. It’s useful for capturing and storing packet data for later analysis.

Intrusion Detection Mode (-q -A):

  • The most common operational mode, Snort functions as an intrusion detection system (IDS). It actively monitors network traffic, triggers alerts based on defined rules, and can be configured to take actions such as logging, alerting, or blocking suspicious activity.

The Essence of Snort Rules:

Snort’s rules form the linchpin of its capability, akin to the vigilant sentinels that safeguard a medieval castle. These rules encapsulate the collective knowledge and foresight of cybersecurity experts, providing a blueprint for the system to distinguish between harmless data packets and potential security threats. Understanding the nuances of Snort rules is more than a technical endeavor; it is a journey into the strategic deployment of a digital guardian that adapts and evolves in lockstep with the ever-changing threat landscape.

Rule Sources: A Confluence of Expertise

The strength of Snort is not only in its codebase but in the diversity of its rule sources — an amalgamation of collective intelligence, expert curation, and real-world cybersecurity experience:

Official Snort Rules:

  • The bedrock of the system, these rules, curated by the creators of Snort, lay the foundation for robust intrusion detection and prevention.
  • A testament to the commitment to continuous improvement, they are regularly updated to combat emerging threats.

Community Rules:

  • Reflecting the collaborative spirit of the cybersecurity community, these rules are contributions from a diverse array of security professionals worldwide.
  • They bring an eclectic mix of perspectives, ensuring that Snort remains adaptive and responsive to a broad spectrum of threats.

Emerging Threats:

  • A dedicated source offering rules that specifically target the most recent and prevalent threats in the digital landscape.
  • This source provides a dynamic and agile layer of defense, crucial for staying ahead in the cybersecurity arms race.

VRT (Vital Threat Research) Rules:

  • Crafted by Sourcefire, the company behind Snort, these rules incorporate advanced threat intelligence.
  • Catering to both free and subscription-based models, they offer a tiered approach to security, accommodating the diverse needs of organizations.

Rule Types: Navigating the Cybersecurity Constellation

The diversity of Snort rules manifests in their types, each serving a unique purpose in the grand tapestry of cybersecurity defense:

Header Rules:

  • Delving into packet headers, these rules specialize in identifying malicious patterns, a crucial skill in the early detection of potential threats.

Payload Rules:

  • With a focus on the content of data payloads, these rules unravel potential threats concealed within the digital fabric, offering a deeper layer of scrutiny.

Flowbit Rules:

  • Maintaining a stateful awareness between packets, these rules are instrumental in detecting multi-packet attacks, providing a more comprehensive defense.

Non-Payload Rules:

  • Concentrating on specific characteristics of network traffic, these rules offer flexibility in deployment, ensuring a well-rounded defense strategy.

Rule Syntax: The Language of Cybersecurity Vigilance

Decoding the syntax of Snort rules is akin to understanding the language of cybersecurity vigilance — a nuanced dialect that enables defenders to communicate their intent to the system effectively. The structure of a Snort rule is a roadmap:

  • Action: Specifies the response when a rule matches (e.g., alert, log, drop).
  • Protocol: Indicates the network protocol being monitored (e.g., TCP, UDP).
  • Source/Destination IP and Port: Define the addresses and ports involved in the rule.
  • Direction: Specifies the traffic direction (e.g., -> for outbound, <> for bidirectional).
  • Options: Additional parameters and conditions refining the rule’s behavior.

Rule Options: Tailoring Defenses to the Cybersecurity Symphony

Within the arsenal of Snort rules, options offer a symphony of customization, allowing defenders to fine-tune their defenses to the unique nuances of their digital landscape:


  • A powerful option specifying the content pattern to match within the packet payload, offering a tailored approach to identifying specific threats.


  • Assigning a classification type to the rule, providing a structured approach to organizing and analyzing potential security events.

Sid (Signature ID):

  • A unique identifier for each rule, facilitating efficient rule management and tracking.

Rev (Revision):

  • Indicates the revision number of the rule, ensuring defenders stay abreast of updates and improvements.


  • Assigns a priority level to the rule, enabling organizations to prioritize responses based on the perceived severity of the threat.

As we navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving cybersecurity frontier, Snort stands as a digital bastion — a guardian fortified by the intricacies of its rules. These rules, born from a mosaic of expertise, types, syntax, and options, converge into a formidable defense mechanism. Cybersecurity professionals, armed with the understanding of Snort’s rules, can not only react to existing threats but also proactively fortify their networks against the relentless tide of emerging dangers.

In the orchestration of cybersecurity tools, Snort’s rules play a pivotal role, harmonizing precision, adaptability, and strength to ensure the resilience of digital ecosystems against the persistent drumbeat of cyber threats. As we journey through this cybersecurity landscape, the language of Snort rules becomes our guide — a powerful tool in fortifying our digital bastions against the unseen forces that constantly seek to breach our defenses.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay secure!

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Snort Documents

Writing Snort Rules with Examples and Cheat Sheet

