Tech_Supp0rt-TryHackme Writeup

System Weakness
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2023


This is my writeup to to Tech_Supp0rt CTF on TryHackMe. You learn how to exploit a SMB share, use some common PE tactics and find exploits on the internet.

1. Enumeration

I started this challenge with a simple port scan.

nmap $IP

  • $IP is the IP address of the box

As you can see there are four open ports .


We can get a shell if we find a username or a password.


A webserver. We should take a closer look on this as soon as possible.

smb (port 139/445)

An application used for file sharing. There could be some useful information, if we have access to a share.

2. Checking SMB

We can use a tool called smbmap, to check out the service and find shares, we can access.

smbmap -H $IP

Hmmm, this is interesting. There is a share called websvr and we can read it. I’d say, this sounds like a plan. So we can access this share using a tool called smbclient.

smbclient //$IP/websvr

Just press enter, when asked for a password.

So we have access. And if you know, how to use ftp, then you can interact with smb as well.

I found a file (enter.txt) on the server and downloaded it using the “get” command. Let’s look at it:

What do we know now:

  • There is a website /subrion (it’s a content management system)
  • We have a username and a hash or something for it
  • They use wordpress as well

3. Getting a shell

I think we should take a look at the /subrion website.

Hmm, I tried to access it, but it is loading for ever. So I tried if I can access some subdirectories. Using ffuf, I discovered some sites:

ffuf -u http://$IP/subrion/FUZZ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -fw 20,1

I used some filters, because there are a lot false positive websites.

And boom. There it is.

Robots.txt gives us some more websites. /panel looks interesting, since it is mentioned in the note from before.

There it is, an admin panel to manage the CMS. I tried SQL injection, but sadly no luck. Then I remembered something else:

cooked with magical formula

Is this a reference to CyberChef? I tried it and…

we got a password. So I logged in as admin.

Oh yeah, it worked. But how do I get a shell? After some googling I found this:

I downloaded and executed it and there we go:

We are in, but only as www-data. So it is time for:

4. Privilege escalation

First I spawned a python reverse shell and upgraded it, to work more comfortable.

Yes, this looks better.

Then I tried the basics PE methodes. Sudo, SUID, Crontab, Linpeas. But no luck with none of them. But then I remembered, that there is wordpress installed. And therefore there have to be a wordpress config file, containing a password.


Wohoo, I was right.

I tried this password and boom, I am scamsite, the other user.

5. Getting the root flag

After changing user, PE starts again. Sudo, suid, cront… wait what is this?

So, I can run “iconv” as root. I took a quick look at GTFO and found this:

I tried this with /root/root.txt and …

Got the root flag.

Congratulation, the Challenge is solved!!!

6. But…

There is more. We want to have a shell. So I scrolled up on GTFO and found this:

Meaning if I put sudo in front of iconv, I could possibly rewrite every file on the system.

For example we can edit /etc/passwd and put a new password for the root user.

  • generate new password using openssl
  • copying /etc/passwd
  • changing x with the generated password in the root line
  • su root
Sorry for the bad screenshot

And now, we are happy with the root shell!!

